Imagine a light
Imagine that there is a someone behind that light
Who turns it on
Who makes sure it is perfectly calibrated to wash over
A body
Imagine a body
Imagine there is a someone else living through that body
Who turns it on
Who makes sure it is perfectly calibrated to inhabit
A space
Imagine a space
Imagine space
Imagine that space
That perfectly calibrated space
Every corner holding
Imagine perfectly calibrated sound
Someone is behind that sound
Who turns it on
Imagine the weaving together of fabrics. Perfectly calibrated color
That shapes
A body
That reflects
A light
That holds
A space
Colors that move freely
Within that sound
Imagine words
Imagine perfectly calibrated words on a page meant as invitation
There is a someone burdening that poor page
To offer entry
Into light
Into body
Into sound
Into color
Into space
The voices
A someone. A someone. Then, a someone else
And so on
And so on
And so on
The calibration of those voices
Perfect whispers in darkness
That light
On that body
Draped in that color
Moving in that space
To that sound
Telling that story
With those words
Are finally gathered together
To set purpose
To those perfect calibrations
The invitation accepted
Now, imagine
Or, continue to imagine
Because the imagination is
One-part memory
One-part hope
Imagine that invitation again
Without calibrated perfections
Only the someones behind the wish to make them so
Put perfection in air quotes
Make those quotes wrapping paper
Housing gifts of the past
Tear at that paper. Tear at it!
And behold that tearing as a new gift
Understand perfection as an oddity
Understand those someones behind perfection’s wish as odd too
The memory part of imagination
Leads to misnomers like
Perfection (The good old days)
The hope part of imagination leads to
Hope for light fractured
Imagine it!
Hope for bodies disjointed
Imagine it!
Hope for sound distorted
Imagine it!
Hope for more color. Please. Ones we’ve never seen.
Imagine it!
Hope for spaces revisited not only as space
But, also ideas of space
Imagine it!
Hope for story
Hope for story?
No. Imagine story
Yes, imagine it. Still
Because imagination is all it requires
And story will remain.
Those someones behind that story
Imperfectly calibrated all
Will remainImagine it!Just imagine it!And imagine you are there