Rants, Raves, and Reflections

3Views sent three team members – Sarah Rose Leonard (SRL), Emma Orme (EO), and Maddie Rostami (MR) – to see Are we not drawn onward to new erA, a featured production of Under the Radar Festival presented at BAM. Read on to hear their thoughts about gibberish, voluntary extinction and the role of art in political action.

I loved my high school experience. I know I can sometimes be in the minority when I say that but, it’s true. I have always been proud of having gone to Douglas Anderson School of the Arts in Jacksonville, FL, with a focus in theater.

In the early 2000s, so the story goes, British Petroleum was beginning to feel the pressure. Awareness of the existential problem posed by climate change was growing, and the public was rightly looking to fossil fuel companies as the cause. So they enlisted Ogily and Mather, one of the largest advertising firms in the world, to help them out of their jam.

For our issue on KPOP, 3Views partnered with ArtConnection's Teen Reviewers and Critics Program (TRAC) to develop and publish reviews by NYC Teenagers! We are thrilled to build a bridge between the current generation of folks making art and the next generation of folks gearing up to consume and critique that art.

We saw Lear at the California Shakespeare Theatre. Capitalism and unresolved grief kills almost everyone.

The Kite Runner highlights a specific heritage, so 3Views sent three SWANASA (South West Asian, North African, and South Asian) theater makers to the show in order to ground a review in the appropriate cultural context.

New York Magazine Theater critic Helen Shaw told us about Annie-B's drawing habit, so we decided to do a 3-in-1 with original illustrations as responses.

In 2015 Mohegan playwright and director Madeline Sayet left her home on the unceded Mohegan land of Connecticut for London to pursue a PhD in Shakespeare, focusing on his relationship with Indigenous Americans. What she encountered was a country that tokenized her and refused to acknowledge its role in the exploitation and erasure of her culture.

Every once in a while, a 3Views Co-Editor will write a missive. When January’s latest Omicron-induced theater shutdown happened, we decided to pause alongside oh so many shows. The year prior (2021), we hit the ground running when we re-launched in October, and we gratefully used the pause to fundraise (donate here or here!), make a strategic plan, and took a look at the moment in which we found ourselves.

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